Assignment – 1

Q 1. How much electricity in terms of Faraday is required to produce 100g of Ca from molten CaCl2?

Q 2. Name the solid substance produced, during the discharge of lead- storage battery.          

Q 3. If 0.5 ampere current flows through a wire for 2 hours. Calculate the number of electrons through the wire.
Q 4. Write importance of salt bridge in a Galvanic cell?

Q 5. What is fuel cell?  Write two chemicals which can be used as fuel.

Q 6. How many moles of mercury will be produced by electrolysing 1.0 M Hg (NO3)2 solution with a current of 2.00 A for three hours? Molar mass of Hg(NO3)2 = 200.6 g/mol

Q 7. Represent the galvanic cell in which the following reactions take place
                 Zn(s) + 2 Ag+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + 2 Ag(s)
ü  Which one of the electrodes is negatively charged?
ü  Write the reaction taking place at each of the electrodes. 
ü  Name the carrier of current within the cell.

Q 8. State Faraday's laws. How much charge is required for the reduction of 1        mole of Cu2+ to Cu?       
Q 9. What is the role of ZnCl2 in a dry cell?

Q 10. Write two advantages of H2-O2 fuel cell.

Q 11. Determine the value of equilibrium constant and ΔG0 for the following            reaction:
    Ni(s) + 2 Ag+(aq) → Ni2+ (aq) + 2 Ag(s) (E0 = 1.05V)

Q 12. Calculate the standard electrode potential of Ni2+// Ni electrode if emf of           the Ni2+/Ni(0.01) // Cu2+(0.1) / Cu (s)  electrochemical cell is 0.059V. Given       E0 = 0.34V.
Q 13. Why does a Galvanic cell become dead after some time?

Q 14. The following is a plot of molar conductivity of electrolytes A and B                against square root of concentration


ü  Write the mathematical relationship between Æ›m and C for strong electrolytes (A)
ü  Identify the curves represented by strong electrolyte (A) and weak electrolyte (B) 
ü  What does m represent? Give one method for determining Æ›m of the electrolyte (B)

Q 15. The conductivity of 0.20 m solution of KCl at 298 K is 0.02485 cm-1.                     Calculate its molar conductivity.

Q 16. The resistance of conductivity cell filled with 0.1 M KCl solution is 100            Ohm. If the resistance of the same cell when filled with 0.02 M KCl                    solution  is 520 ohm. Calculate the conductivity and molar conductivity of      0.02 M KCl solution. Conductivity of 0.1 M KCl solution is 1.29 m–1.

Q 17. Î»m for NaCl, HCl & NaAc are 126.4, 425.9 & 91.05 cm2 mol-1 respectively.        Calculate λom for HAc.  (Ac stands for acetate)

Q 18. The Eo cell for Daniel cell is 1.1 V. Calculate the standard Gibbs energy for      the reaction:
    Zn (s) + Cu2+ (aq)     Zn2+ (aq) + Cu (s)

Q 19.  Account for the following:-
ü  Alkaline medium inhibits the rusting.
ü  Iron does not rusted even if zinc coating is broken down at any point in a galvanized pipe.
Q 20. I) Define the molar conductivity of a solution and explain how molar               conductivity changes with change in concentration of  solution for a weak     and strong  electrolyte.
   ii). The resistance of a conductivity cell containing 0.001M KCl solution at       298K is 1500Ω. What is the cell constant, if the conductivity of 0.01M KCl       solution at 298 K is 0.146 X (10–3) S cm–1?