Assignment – 6
Chemical Reactions
And Equations
Q 35. When a green iron salt
is heated strongly its colour finally changes to black and odour of burning
sulphur is given out.
i. Name
the iron salt.
ii. Name
the type of reaction that take place.
iii. Name
the compound which changes into Brownish black colour.
iv. Name
the compound which is responsible for its odour.
v. Write
the chemical equation of the above statement.
Q36. Convert
the statement into balanced equations by hit and trial method.
Q 37.
Balance the following skeleton equation by hit and trial method.
Q 38. A
chemical is heated in a test tube brown fumes comes out and a black residue is
left behind.
Name the chemical which gives brown fumes.
Write the equation.
Name the compound which gives black residue.
Q 39. Why
respiration is exothermic reaction?
Q 40. What
is thermite reaction ? Mention its use
Q 41.
What do you observe when a solution of lead nitrate and potassium iodide in
water are mixed together?
Q 42. Write
balanced equations with state of reactants and products
Molten sodium chloride on passing current decomposes into sodium metal and
chlorine gas
Magnesium metal and hydrochloric acid react to product magnesium chloride and
Potassium chlorate on heating produces potassium chloride and oxygen gas.
Solutions of barium chloride and sodium sulphate react to produce ppt of barium
sulphate and sodium chloride.
(v). Iron metal dissolves in copper sulphate
solution forming iron sulphate and copper.