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Assignment No – 5
Acids Bases and Salts

Ans 41: The common name of the compound CaOCl2 is bleaching powder.

Ans 42: Calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2], on treatment with chlorine, yields bleaching powder.

Ans 43: Washing soda (Na2CO3.10H2O) is used for softening hard water.

Ans 44: When a solution of sodium hydrocarbonate (sodium hydrogencarbonate) is heated, sodium carbonate and water are formed with the evolution of carbon dioxide gas.

Ans 45: The chemical equation for the reaction of Plaster of Paris and water can be represented as

Ans 46. Same as Ans 45

Ans 47. (i) Tap water contains ions which conduct electricity, distilled water does not contain ions.
(ii) Dry HCl does not form ions but HCl gives H+ and Cl.
(iii) Baking soda does not allow milk to change to lactic acid which makes milk sour.
 (iv) Adding water to acid is highly exothermic. Therefore, water is added to acid very slowly with cooling.
(v) Ammonia dissolves in water and forms HTherefore, it is basic in nature.