MCQs Assignment No – 2
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Q1. Which of the following processes involves absorption of energy?
a) Cl + e- → Cl-                                                          b) O- + e → O2-  
c) O + e- → O-                                                            d) S + e- S-

Q2. Electronic Configuration of most electro negative element is
a) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1                                                        b) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5
c) 1s2 2s2 2p5                                                               d) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6

Q3. The correct order of electron gain enthalpy with negative sign of F, Cl, Br and I, having atomic number 9, 17, 35 and 53 respectively is
(a) I > Br > Cl > F                                                     (b) F > Cl > Br > I
(c) CI > F > Br > I                                                     (d) Br > CI > I > F

Q4. The element with positive electron gain enthalpy is
(a) hydrogen                                                              (b) sodium     
(c) oxygen                                                                   (d) none

Q5. Which of the following species has the highest electron affinity?
 (a) F -                                          (b) O               (c) O                         (d) Na+

Q6. Elements of which of the following groups will form anions most readily?
(a) Oxygen family                                                     (b) Nitrogen family
(c) Halogens                                                               (d) Alkali metals

Q7. The correct order of electronegativities of N, O, F and P is
(a) F > N > P > O                                                       (b) F > O > P > N
(c) F > O > N > P                                                       (d) N > O > F > P

Q8. Among the elements B, Mg, Al and K, the correct order of increasing metallic character is
(a) B < Al < Mg < K                                                  (b) B < Mg < Al < K
(c) Mg < B < Al < K                                                  (d) Mg < Al < B < K

Q9. In which of the following options order of arrangement does not agree with the variation of property indicated against it?
(a) Al3+  < Mg2+  < Na+ < F- (increasing ionic size)
(b) B < C < N < O (increasing first ionization enthalpy)
(c) I < Br < F < Cl (increasing electron gain enthalpy)
(d) Li < Na < K < Rb (increasing metallic radius)

Q10. Which one of the following orders presents the correct sequence of the increasing basic nature of the given oxides?
(a) Al2O3 < MgO < Na2O < K2O
(b) MgO < K2O < Al2O3 < Na2O  
(c) Na2O < K2O < MgO < Al2O3
(d) K2O < Na2O < Al2O3 < MgO

Q11. Which of the following sets has strongest tendency to forms anions?
(a) Ga, In, TI                                                                         (b) Na, Mg, Al
(c) N, O, F                                                                              (d) V, Cr, Mn

Q12. To which block of the periodic table does the element with atomic number 56 belong?
(a) s block                                                                              (b) p block
(c) d block                                                                              (d) f block

Q13. The electronic configurations of four elements are given below. Which elements does not belong to the same family as others?
(a) [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2                                                              (b) [Kr] 4d10 5s2
(c) [Ne] 3s2 3p5                                                                       (d) [Ar] 3d10 4s2

Q14. The similarity between Li and Mg is due to
(a) similar electronic configuration                                    (b) same charge
(c) same principal quantum number                                  (d) similar electronegativity

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