·       · sp2 Hybridisation: In this hybridization there is involvement of one s and two p-orbitals in order to form three equivalent sp2 hybridised orbitals. Each sp2 hybrid orbitals has 33.33% s-character and 66.66 % p-character. Such a molecule in which the central atom is sp2 hybridised and linked directly to three other central atoms possesses trigonal planar geometry. For example
i)                Formation of BCl3 molecule:

ii)                Formation of C2H4:

·       sp3 Hybridisation: In this type of hybridisation there is mixing of one s-orbital and three p-orbitals of the valence shell to form four sp3 hybrid orbitals of equivalent energies and shape. There is 25% s-character and 75% p character in each sp3 hybrid orbital. The four sp3 hybrid orbitals so formed are directed towards the four corners of the tetrahedron. For Example:
            i). Formation of Methane (CH4): In CH4, the central atom C has the electronic configuration 6C – 1s22s22p2.

ii). Formation of Ammonia (NH3) Molecule: In NH3, the central atom N has the electronic configuration 1s22s22p3.