ΓΌ  Oxides: Oxides are binary compounds of oxygen with other elements.

·    Acidic oxides: They dissolve in water forming oxyacids, e.g., CO2, SO2, SO3, N2O5, N2O3, P4O6, P4O10, Cl2O7, CrO3, Mn2O7, V2O5.

Cl2O7 + H2O ¾® 2 HClO4

Mn2O7 + H2O ¾® 2 HMnO4


·       Basic Oxides: They either dissolve in water to form alkalies or combine with acids to form salts and water or combine with acidic oxides to form salts; e.g., Na2O, CaO. CuO, FeO, BaO etc. Na2O + H2O ¾® 2 NaOH

 CaO + H2O ¾® Ca(OH)2

CuO + H2SO4 ¾® CuSO4 + H2O


·       Amphoteric Oxides: These can combine with acids as well as bases e.g., ZnO, Al2O3, BeO, Sb2O3, Cr2O3, PbO etc.

PbO + 2 NaOH ¾® Na2PbO2 + H2O

PbO + H2SO4 ¾® PbSO4 + H2O

Cr2O3 + 2 NaOH ¾® Na2Cr2O4 + H2O

Cr2O3 + 3 H2SO4 ¾® Cr2(SO4)3 + 3 H2O


·       Neutral Oxides: They neither combine with acids nor with the bases to form salts e.g., CO, N2O, NO etc.

·       Mixed Oxides: They behave as mixture of two simple oxides, e.g., Pb3O4 (2PbO + PbO2),   Fe3O4 (FeO + Fe2O3),    Mn3O4 (2MnO + MnO2).