Test Class - Xth

Chapter – Acids Bases and Salts


Que 1. Which one of the following types of medicines is used for treating indigestion? Antibiotic (b) Analgesic (c) Antacid (d) Antiseptic


Que 2. Name the following: 

a) Two non-hydrated crystalline salts            b). Two neutral salts        

c) Two basic salts                                              d) Two acid salts


Que 3. Why is Plaster of Paris written as CaSO4.½H2O? How is it possible to have half a water molecule attached to CuSO4?

Que 4: Name the substance which on treatment with chlorine yields bleaching powder?


Que 5: Name the sodium compound which is used for softening hard water.


Que 6: What will happen if a solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate is heated? Give the equation of the reaction involved.


Que 7. Write an equation to show the reaction between Plaster of Paris and water.