v). Redox Reaction: A reaction in which reduction and oxidation takes place simultaneously.  



ü  ZnO (s)    +    C (s)         Zn (s)    +   CO (g)
Zinc              Carbon        Zinc           Carbon      
Oxide                                                      Monoxide


vi). Oxidation Reaction: Oxidation is the gain of oxygen. For example:

ü 2 Cu (s)   +    O2 (g)         2 CuO (s)  (Black)
            Copper        Oxygen           Copper Oxide

ü  2 Mg(s)    +   O2 (g)      2MgO (s)
            Magnesium   Oxygen          Magnesium Oxide


    Removal of hydrogen is also oxidation. For Example:

ü  2HI (g)              H2  (g)     +    I2 (g)
Hydrogen           Hydrogen    Iodine
Iodic Acid   

VII). Reduction Reaction: Reduction is the gain of hydrogen. For example:

ü  H2 (g)     +      Cl2 (g)      2 HCl
   Hydrogen      Chlorine        Hydrochloric Acid   


Removal of oxygen is also reduction. Foe Example:

ü  CuO (s)   +   CO (g)           Cu (s)     +     CO2 (g)
                 Copper Oxide      Carbon             Copper            Carbon Dioxide
                       (Black)         Monoxide     (Reddish Brown)

ü  ZnO (s)    +    C (s)         Zn (s)    +   CO (g)
Zinc              Carbon        Zinc           Carbon      
Oxide                                                  Monoxide

v  Oxidation: The process in which there is loss of electrons.

v  Reduction: The process in which there is gain of electrons.

v  Oxidizing Agent: A substance that brings about oxidation.

v  Reducing Agents: A substance that brings about reduction.

viii). Endothermic Reactions: Reaction in which heat is  absorbed to carry out the   
             chemical reaction. For Example:

ü  CaCO3  (s)      +      Heat            CaO (s)      +      CO2  (g)            Calcium                                        Calcium             Carbon
                        Carbonate                                     Oxide                 Dioxide

ü  C(s)    +  H2 O (s)  +    Heat      CO (g)    +    H2 (g)
Carbon                                         Carbon
                                                     Monoxide (Evolve)

ix). Exothermic Reactions: Reaction in which heat is evolved during the chemical   
          reaction. For Example:

ü  C    +    O2         CO2 (g)    +     heat

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