ΓΌ   For First Order Reaction: First order reactions are reactions in which the rate of reaction is proportional to first power of the concentration of reactants.

Consider a first order reaction     R → P
The rate expression for the above reaction is
r = – d[R] ………………. (1)
Rate law for the above reaction is
r= k[R]1 = k ………………… (2)
From equations (1) & (2), we can write 
k [R] =   d[R]
d[R]   = – k dt     
On integrating the above equation, we get
In [R] = – kt + C ........ (3)
Where C is the constant of integration. To calculate the value of C, consider the initial conditions. i.e., when t=0, [R] = [R]0
Substitute these values in equation (3)
In [R0] = – k × 0 + C
C = ln [R0]
Substituting C in equation (3), we get
ln[R] = - kt + ln[R0] ………… (4)
Rearranging above equation we get
kt = ln[R0] – ln[R]

k =   1  ln [R0]
        t       [R]

k =2.303 log[R0]
         t          [R] 

………… (A)

At time t1 from equation (4)
In [R1] = – kt1 + ln [R2]
At time t2
ln [R1] = – kt2 + ln [R2]
where, [R1] and [R2] are the concentrations of the reactants at time t1 and t2 respectively.

ln [R1] – ln [R2] = – kt1 – (–kt2)

ln [R1] = k (t2 – t1)

Comparing equation (2) with y = mx + c, if we plot In [R] against t, we get a straight line with slope = – k and intercept equal to ln [R0].

The first order rate equation (A) can also be written in the form

Log [R0] =     kt    
       [R]      2.303

For Example:
·       Hydrogenation of ethene:
C2H4(g) + H2(g) → C2H6(g);     r = k[C2H4]
·       All natural and artificial radioactive decay

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