Rate of Reaction and Temperature: Most of the chemical reactions are accelerated by increase in temperature. It has been found that for a chemical reaction, when the temperature is increased by 10°, the rate of the reaction and the rate constant is nearly doubled.  The ratio of the rate constants of a reaction at two temperatures differing by 100 is called temperature coefficient.
i.e., Temperature coefficient = Rate constant of the reaction at (T + 10)K
                                                   Rate constant of the reaction at T K
The temperature dependence of the rate of a chemical reaction can be accurately explained by Arrhenius equation.  The equation is:
k = A e - Ea /RT ……………………………….. (1)

Where A is a constant called the Arrhenius parameter or the frequency factor or the pre-exponential factor. It is constant for a particular reaction.
R is the universal gas constant and Ea is activation energy measured in joules/mole (J mol –1).

Threshold Energy: The minimum energy which the colliding molecules must have in order that the collision between them may be effective is called threshold energy.
Activation Energy: The minimum extra amount of energy absorbed by the reactant molecules so that their energy becomes equal to threshold value is called activation energy.
Threshold energy = Activation energy + Energy possessed by the reactants
Less is the activation energy, faster is the reaction. In order that the reactants may change into products, they have to cross an energy barrier (corresponding to threshold
energy). Reactant molecules absorb energy and form an intermediate called activated complex which immediately dissociates to form the products.
For Example:

Arrhenius equation:
Quantatively, the temperature dependence of the rate of a chemical reaction can be explained by Arrhenius equation
k = A e - Ea /RT
where A is the Arrhenius factor or the frequency factor or pre-exponential factor. R is gas constant and E a is activation energy measured in joules/mole.
The factor e - Ea /RT corresponds to the fraction of molecules that have kinetic energy greater than Ea.
Thus, it has been found from Arrhenius equation that increasing the temperature or decreasing the activation energy will result in an increase in the rate of the reaction and an exponential increase in the rate constant.
Taking natural logarithm of both sides of equation

ln K = - Ea  + ln A
At temperature T1, equation
ln K1 =  - Ea  + ln A

At temperature T2, equation
ln K2 = -  Ea  + ln A
(since A is constant for a given reaction)
K1 and K2  are the values of rate constants at temperatures T1 and T2 respectively.
Subtracting equation form, we obtain
ln K2 - ln K1 =    Ea   -   Ea  
                          RT1    RT2

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